Minimalism gone wrong:

I’ve put too much emphasis on Minimalism, thus I’ve eliminated all possible distractions in my daily life that includes being bombarded with information from many sources, however in doing so, both my interests and the hunger for learning more, took a huge dive. This feeling of the brain being not fed enough is consuming every other aspect of a daily life, as simple chores seem unnecessarily  boring and more demanding tasks make my brain shut down (metaphorically). So, for the past couple of days I’ve began to read a little more, try and keep track with what’s happening in the world and there is so much at the same time that I kind of remembered why I stopped in the first place, however, I’m very glad to dig in new events because in less than an hour while writing this, Elon Musk’s Space X Dragon rocket will attempt first test flight with an astronaut inside.

Here’s the link by the way, if anyone would be reading this at the time the rocket launches, hopefully successfully.

Getting back to the topic at hand, by reducing all the noise and constant thoughts provoked by the non-stop news, my mind was definitely calmer and more focused at first, however, after a while, this filter has “damaged” and I started consuming all kind of trash shows, of non-sense videos that over time took a toll on me and hit me hard – that led to a feeling of sadness, unsoundness.

To conclude, I’m glad that I’m getting back on track and I hope that this path will only improve and lead me to better things in the future.

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