Unfamiliarity makes the dreams come true

Have you ever had this feeling that you are thinking and sometimes actually doing the things you think about on a regular basis when you go through your daily life only when you find yourself on holiday or pretty far away from your home? In my case, being away from mundanity actually sparkles a big... Continue Reading →

Drive to Survive – Season 4 (My Life, Season 25 Part 2)

The last race in the 2021 season will forever be deeply burnt into my memory and most importantly into my heart. December 12 2021, Abu Dhabi the day when one of the biggest thefts and downright unbelievable unfairness has taken place, Lewis Hamilton being robbed of his 8th World Championship, and the day when I... Continue Reading →

Wizarding World

I finally got to be sorted and have my wand pick me on PotterMore, and here are the results: Hufflepuff, never in a million years would I have dreamt of it... I consider myself a true Gryffindor. Black walnut wood with a phoenix feather core, 13 ¾" and hard flexibility - Now that's a really... Continue Reading →

Home: Back at it!

My last post was on August 25th 2020 and my life has changed a whole lot since then ... as all things should. Although I have been posting updates here and there on my tech blog, for some reason the last post about that “gotten away” MacBook and how I wanted to stop wanting new... Continue Reading →

This is heavenly.

You know how we put a "what would I really love to do" dream somewhere in the back of our minds and rarely actually do anything to get that dream ever closer to reality? Well right now I'm feeling the complete opposite: materialistic-wise, I realize that everything that seemed out of our reach not so... Continue Reading →

Racing with myself?

For the past two weeks I’ve noticed a different mindset settling in rather quickly. One that focuses on the task at hand but the same time ready to move on to the next thing and the next and the next. Truth be told, I noticed myself doing this just yesterday and I was quite pleasantly... Continue Reading →

Extreme wishful thinking.

You know how they say ... know what you want, to be able to get what you want. It's worked for me in the past and now I'm at a crucial turning point, when being content with living month to month with the occasional impulsive purchase here and there, is not working out anymore. So... Continue Reading →

Minimalism gone wrong:

I've put too much emphasis on Minimalism, thus I've eliminated all possible distractions in my daily life that includes being bombarded with information from many sources, however in doing so, both my interests and the hunger for learning more, took a huge dive. This feeling of the brain being not fed enough is consuming every... Continue Reading →

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